The push to move to cloud technologies is heating up, with more executives hoping to capture cost savings as well as a competitive edge related to the end user experience. Executives know that the cloud delivers personalized, intuitive experiences for the customer, and they are anxious to put digital transformation in process.
Before you jump to purchase a cloud software subscription or migrate a legacy system to the cloud, however, there are a few steps you should take in order to gain a full understanding of the impact of a switch. Many companies have miscalculated the true cost of cloud operations in a rush to improve efficiency, customer experience, agility, and other perks the cloud offers. Before you embark on a cloud migration, take time for these three steps to understand all the potential risks and challenges:
Get down to the details with migration planning: Sure, you’ll enjoy a host of benefits with a cloud solution, but you need to know the full range of risks, costs, and challenges that you’ll experience with a switch to cloud, too. Complete a detailed cost of ownership analysis, create a list of requirements for security and performance, and determine how the cloud solution will integrate with your other technology.
You should also have a good understanding of the effort required to complete the transition. Compiling a full set of information related to the risks and challenges will help you make an informed decision about your cloud investment.
Create a repeatable migration plan: As you work through your decision to migrate to the cloud, document a best-practices scenario that can be duplicated for each cloud adoption. Determine what factors need to go into the decision and who will be involved in that decision, and make a complete record of each step, finishing with measuring the success of the transition.
Partner with line of business managers: Engaging the support of stakeholders in a cloud transition is essential. Your line of business managers will often be the ones pushing for a particular cloud solution because they want to improve efficiency in their department or improve the experience for the end user. Develop collaborative relationships with these managers to ensure that cloud decisions are made with a shared investment in the outcome.
Deciding to implement a cloud solution can build cost-efficiency, flexibility, and increased productivity into your organization. Talk with TeleConsult to learn more about how you can make an informed cloud decision. We’ll partner with you to ensure you realize all the benefits you’ve been hoping to capture with cloud technology.